Monica Glass

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Apple Crisp

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It’s always a pleasure to find a fellow gluten-free food lover who sees food as medicine for a nourished, happy life. Happy as a Yam blogger and food photographer Katia Martin and I decided that we would collaborate and themed it on recipes that have played a major roles in our journeys. This Vegan and Gluten-Free Apple Crisp evokes beautiful memories of a childhood activity that inspired her love of wholesome cooking. Please enjoy this story and recipe from Katia’s heart and kitchen.

Our senses are very adept at remembering events in our lives so recipes often tend to transport us to certain key moments. This recipe in particular is very near and dear to my heart. My mother would always make it and even though I may be thousands of miles away from her, within that first bite, it always makes me think of her. She instilled in me respect for the food that we ate by growing our own vegetables and taking care in creating wholesome meals made from scratch and this recipe was no different. It’s full of wholesome apples. Typically, it’s a very seasonal recipe to make where I’m from Quebec, Canada, since apples are such a big part of the changing seasons.  Somehow, no matter where or when you go, apples are always available and this recipe is just full of them. 

As a kid, during this period of the changing seasons, she would often take me apple picking in the local orchards and we’d end up with a ton of apples that there was really only one thing you could make; Apple Crisp. After apple picking, we would start prepping the apples and my job was to help peel them. By peeling those apples, and participating in the preparation, she planted a seed for cooking and baking in my head. My mom was big on making her own food, she loved to cook and bake. As I grew up, I continued that tradition and I’m pretty sure that’s why I love to cook so much. 

I’ve been a food photographer now for 5 years and more specifically a food blogger for the past year now and there is no doubt in my mind that I am where I am today in my career because of my mother’s passion for cooking.  I am so happy to be able to incorporate my passion into my day-to-day life and I have my mom to thank for it.  I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do and I would love to hear from your experience baking it.