Free of Gluten, Full of Life™


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Today, you’re getting a post of me mostly eating.


And always smiling because I’m not just eating, I am LOVING FOOD. Loving what food brings to my life. Loving how food gives me energy. Loving how food gives me purpose. Loving how food makes me feel strong, creative, connected, love. Loving how food makes me feel happy.


Loving every moment, every bite, every morsel of deliciousness because gluten free food gives me life, and celebrating because May is National Celiac Awareness Month! I may be a few days late because May 16th was also International Celiac Awareness Day, but gluten-free food giving me back my life is certainly a reason to celebrate!


14 years ago, I thought my life was over. My mother had just passed, my skin ghastly green, I was always passing out, in and out of hospitals with doctors dismissing me left and right.


To be honest, I don’t remember much of that time. I was malnourished, vitamin deficient, depressed, and overworking myself to numb the pain. The worst was I didn’t even know that the one thing I thought I could count on – my career as a pastry chef – was the very thing making me sick.


But if I hadn’t been adamant that I knew something was wrong even though doctors were telling me I was fine, I may have missed out on all of THIS and what life has to offer.

☝️ And THAT is what Celiac Awareness Month is all about.


That’s why today, I am so excited to be Free of Gluten, Full of Life™ (guess what?! TM process is finally being finalized!!!)


Maybe you feel your body failed you. I sure did.

Maybe you feel lost about what to eat.

Maybe you lost touch with the process of preparing food.

Maybe you’re scared to eat out. While it’s gotten much better, you still need to do your due diligence.

Maybe you feel numb, too.


You know what? Sticking to a gluten-free diet when you’re celiac is incredibly important to survive, and it’s also the only we way we can truly thrive. Gluten is a difficult-to-digest protein for people with celiac, triggering inflammatory reactions and causing our bodies attack themselves.


Healing is possible. Good health is built on good digestion. So when we eat foods our bodies can digest, we start to feel better. Now don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean that eliminating gluten guarantees perfect digestion or no stomach issues. I still have somewhat regular digestive struggles — like bloating, gas, constipation — and you aren’t alone if you’re still struggling, too. I also have gastroparesis and notice that other non-gluten foods do irritate my body. But gluten-free food gave my back my life. A gluten-free diet is the only “treatment” we have to prevent damage to the body from gluten. While it may seem impossible right now, it does get easier.


We were meant to feel, smell, and taste our way to radiant wellness. Whether you can eat a standard diet or your body needs some modifications, you shouldn’t have to feel restricted. The beauty of today (and Celiac Awareness Month) is that there is delicious food all around to help your journey and give you life.


Do you relate? Are you gluten-free? Do you have celiac disease?

I’d love to hear your stories in the comments below! Please share and spread the love for Celiac Awareness Month. I’ll be sharing as many gluten-free recipes as time allows me this and every month.