Wildly Well with Jezabel Careaga


Wildly Well is a series of fun Friday chats with the experts (entrepreneurs, coaches, and creators in the culinary, wellness, fitness, and medical spaces) on how to create and live your most wildly healthy and joyful life. People who have wholeheartedly leaned into their wellness journeys to help you enhance your relationship with food, movement, self-care, and holistic well-being so you can live the most joyful life you want. We hope you enjoy our conversations with these amazing people and brands. We know they are going to enrich your lives.

We are thrilled to invite chef, entrepreneur, and furniture designer and maker, Jezabel Careaga to our stage! Originally hailing from Argentina, Jezabel planted her roots in Philadelphia and continues to inspire by infusing her culture and heritage into her food and work. She is currently the chef-in-residence at Jose Garces’ Volver and drawing on her traditional influences to create flavorful sensations. Over the past few years she has also leaned into her health and truly learned to listen to her body and take a chance on herself. Follow along as we learn more about Jezabel’s journey — and check out our IG chat for more. If you haven’t had the chance to pop by her cafe, Jezabel’s Cafe in West Philly yet, run don’t walk.


Owning a brick and mortar (and two businesses!) can often be full of long days and overwhelming challenges. What are some ways you keep balanced and ensure your mental health stays intact when things get tough?

My morning coffee ritual, It takes me an hour or so to get out of my house, and I don't; rush it, unless I have to head to the airport. If I need to be at work at 6am I’ll get up at 5 and still get to ease into the day. 

You’re currently the chef in residence at Jose Garce’s Volver. What inspired your menu?

My roots. 

You said you’ve had an unhealthy love affair with food for a long time. How did that manifest?

Over weight, which still am a bit but I feel different about it. 

How did you make peace with food and learn to love it in a healthy way?

By sitting with it. 

What is your philosophy on food and eating now? Why is this so important? 

Eat and see how you feel. 

What does wellness mean to you?

Living a balanced life, living a good life according to your values. 

How do you think we can better bring a culture of wellness and awareness of mental health into the industry? 

Start by talking about and normalizing the importance of mental health. 

What things do you do to bring you joy? 

Laughing, visiting a remote place and just being present, nature, walks with friends, a good meal. 

I know you have a love of surfing, too. How does this and other forms of movement play into your life?

It’s essential for me to move, I get this kind of head-ache when I don’t exercise often… I need to move. I do my best thinking when swimming, running, walking with friends and Yoga always brings me back to my core. 

How did you take a chance on yourself?

Sitting with pain and feeling uncomfortable where I was. 

What advice would you give for others wanting to take a chance on themselves?

Ask sincerely yourself - Do I feel good in my own skin? What is my purpose, my passion in life? These are questions that I’m still trying to answer myself. 

When something doesn’t feel right, you know it, your gut, your body, your senses can catch that but our mind tend to tell us another story to make it work. 

What advice do you have for others on how they can get started on their journey to live wildly well and make wellness a part of their everyday life?
Start with small steps, all little steps add up to big results. 

What is your mission/purpose statement?

I wish I knew - HA! I want to live a life where I’m authentic with myself so I can be that way with others.

What is a typical day like for you? 

I wake up a bit later in Winter - around 6-ish I follow my morning ritual that is making my french press coffee, then checking if dishes need to be put away or folding laundry. I try to squeeze a 20 minutes run a few times a week before showering and heading into work. If needed I’ll do some emails while having coffee in my sofa, otherwise I’ve been really adamant lately about doing emails at Jezabel’s. 

I work 4 long days in the bakery and some half days Saturday and Sunday if needed. Tuesday is the day that I sleep in (until 8-ish) no alarm on sight and I get to catch up with lunch dates or walks/hike with friends. 

I like to be home by 6pm or so, cook dinner and put the phone away - I don’t like to take calls anytime after 7pm. I can be in the kitchen for hours, from cooking a few dishes for the week, cleaning, watering the plants and in between I watch a show, do research for my upcoming travels, or just exist. 

What are you excited about for the next year? 

I’m excited about turning 40, I feel like i’m an eternal 28 years old spirit but now with experience on my shoulders. Life only gets better, good years are good but challenging years are even better because they teach you so much about resilience and the power within yourself to keep going. 

Where can people find you to learn more? 

Instagram @jezabelcareaga

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